Friday, October 2, 2009

Punta Cana Weather January

a city '"on wire"

what 's the sense of this city', I mean, who can 'tell?
I know is, in my small way, that everyone is doing acrobatics.
a city 'on the thread where everyone decides how high to place the wire, some a bit' more 'at the top, others a bit' more 'below, but in the end the sense of being here and' the feeling of walking on the wire .
after a while 'all give up. place "safe", the big house, children, friends and family.
like the petals of a flower's friends if they go one by one.
those who choose to remain that aletzza put the rope, how much risk they want to take in continuing to play.
then there are those who put themselves into a corner and disappear gradually sucked out of life "local" of the suburb, cutting the bridges one by one.
not for me. the rope and leave it up to high pass below us with a smile and we are dedicated to wine and the hills.
slow drift and 'boring.
and I say this after a series of party nights out between the Metropolitan Opera and Yakitori Totto. Mica
pizza and figs.


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